Joint Op-Ed: Clean Electricity Key to Canadas Climate Targets » Marine Renewables Canada

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We got that greenbelt grab reversed, but we will not stop fighting until we get true accountability, truth and integrity back to the province of Ontario. The supports will be there for Ontarians who need it, but under the leadership of Premier Ford, the manufacturing jobs—those good-paying jobs that left the province of Ontario—are coming back, thanks to this Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade. For every dollar paid through RMP and SDRM, gross economic output is increased by between $2 and $3.60. We need the next generation of farmers to take responsibility for producing food, and the RMP plays a critical role in ensuring that will happen. Well, it turns out that the Toronto Star looked at several MZOs issued for long-term-care homes and found that, in most cases, there was no action being taken with them either. This includes MZOs issued for long-term-care homes on government-owned land.

Parties as Brands: How Canadians See the Conservatives, Liberals and NDP

And why is the Ontario Liberal caucus, as small as it is, continuing to support their federal cousins in Ottawa? The collective support by Premiers in calling on the federal government to remove the carbon tax on heating pumps and for fairness for all Canadians confirms that this issue is creating significant burdens everywhere across this great country. That is why it is so astonishing that the Liberal and NDP members in this Legislature continue to work against any efforts to make life more affordable for Ontarians.

Joint Op-Ed: Clean Electricity – Key to Canada’s Climate Targets

“We continue to negotiate in good faith,” said union leader Charlene Hudy at the time of the vote. With a US$5 million fund available to sustain a potential work stoppage, the union says it’s “prepared for any outcome.” At Riverbank Estates, each neighbourhood has its own stunning vista, and each lot is connected to nature in ways that make life here such a rare and remarkable opportunity. This is where Paris comes to play, and what a playground it is. The majesty of Paris’ rivers has defined the land for more than a millennia and now it’s yours to discover!. Where the Nith River meets the Grand, not only does life in Paris take on a slower pace set by the steady flow of the rivers, but the water invites you to a world of outdoor adventure.

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And that’s despite the fact they have the funds, they have the resources to invest in the lives of Ontarians that will actually make their lives better. They’re sitting on $5.4 billion in a contingency fund that’s unallocated that could be going to address affordability, that could be going to address health care, that could be going to address disabilities, that could be going to address education. And instead of spending that money on things that will make the lives of people in Ontario better, they are just sitting on those funds. This is the kind of small, incremental savings that the government has direct responsibility for. They can provide this direct impact to families, and they can do it relatively quickly.

Voters in Bay of Quinte elect Ontario PC candidate Tyler Allsop as new MPP

We are not going to stop fighting for two-way, all-day GO service to Kitchener. Transit connectivity enhances productivity by providing efficient, reliable transportation options. Transit connectivity is a critical component of a sustainable and thriving economy. And then, this is later in 2018, when then-MPP Fee took to Twitter and said, “We are going to get this done. I remember when this government first got elected, they were really fond of saying, “Promise made, promise kept.” It was built on a house of cards, because so many promises have not come to fruition, so many promises have not been honoured in this Legislature. In this article, I actually say, “I think if anyone really wants to see all-day, two-way GO service finally come to Kitchener-Waterloo, they should keep Mr. Ford as far away from government as possible.” That is my quote, and I still stand by it, I will say.

Government of Canada Publications

These are essential first steps to get this problem under control before BC suffers further economic loss and growth in organized crime. The “2024 Crypto Crime Report” provides a comprehensive overview of the evolving landscape of cryptocurrency crime. From the rise of ransomware and darknet markets to the changing tactics of scammers and the persistent challenge of money laundering, the report underscores the need for continued vigilance and innovation in combating crypto crime.


It, with corresponding applications, informs the wearer of anything from how many steps they’ve taken to how many carbs and nutrients they have consumed. The modern-day personal trainer isn’t at the local gym but rather on your arm and in the cloud. – CPC voters were more likely (35%) than average to have a positive view of the US government, but still most (65%) have a negative view. – Women are 17-points less positive towards the Japanese government. – Feelings about the Ukraine government are especially positive in Alberta (58%).


This anonymity and privacy have made it a hub for illegal activities, including the sale of drugs, weapons, stolen data, and more. But while Jean-Paul didn’t like the Chinese, he didn’t mind making money off them. When he heard that the workers liked buying West- ern clothing, Jean-Paul ransacked the armoire in Camille’s father’s bedroom, then went to the camp on a payday with a sack full of her dead father’s clothes.

  • As open-source models become more available to the public, the impacts of AI will ripple throughout the economy.
  • Despite the Liberals’ assurances that the implementation of the carbon tax would herald a transformative era for environmental conservation, the stark reality paints a drastically different picture.
  • Again, this type of investment creates the opportunity, the environment for economic growth that the private sector can seize upon, invest in and help to grow the prosperity that we all depend upon, and in turn, fund the public services that we all depend upon.
  • As the Minister of Finance said, this is our vision for health care, and I want to thank him again for these investments.
  • This is a student from the Ontario College of Art at the time, Christina, and she says that she hedges her transit options and takes a mix of GO trains, GO buses and Greyhound buses to downtown.
  • It’s a totally failed federal Liberal idea, and they import it to the province.
  • In some areas of this province, the temperature can drop to minus 30 in the winter.

Heavy police presence in downtown London as result of weapons investigation

People are going desperate with no food at all, waiting three to four weeks for a food bank appointment because the demand is so high. Just for context, this is a bill that’s enacting budget measures following on the government’s fall economic statement, which came two weeks ago, right before the constituency week. That was a fall economic statement that really failed to reflect the moment that we are in here in Ontario.

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Missing six-year-old boy disappeared after school breakfast program: Manitoba RCMP

We have people who are living on our streets and in homeless encampments because they can’t find affordable places to live. We have people who are waiting 12 hours at the hospital to see a doctor, 2.2 million Ontarians who don’t have a family doctor, and yet this government is sitting on a very large contingency fund of $5.4 billion. Instead of spending that funding down during the first part of the budget year, in fact, halfway through the year, they have now increased it by adding another $2 billion. As the Premier wrote in an open letter, providing relief only to Atlantic Canada is not fair and it is causing division across the country. As New Brunswick Premier Higgs said, no Canadian family should have to choose between heating their homes or buying Christmas gifts for their children. At the same time, the federal government has announced an exemption to their carbon tax for home heating.

Asian food cooked on an induction stove? It can work … mostly

“In our next release, we’ll examine reactions to a series of issues including NAFTA renegotiation, the Khadr settlement, and the government’s approach on climate change. When we ask about the economic outlook six months from now we find that most of those who feel the economy is currently growing also feel that it will continue to grow or improve. Among those who think the economy is growing, almost no one expects it to begin shrinking in the next six months; among those who think the economy is in recession, just over a third expect conditions to worsen. • The climate change issue attracts lots of attention across the country, and across different age groups. Conservative voters are a bit less attentive to it than others, but 49% still say they are following it very closely or somewhat closely.

  • We asked for that last week, regarding the fall economic statement, and we were denied.
  • In fact, a daycare even had to close their door because they could no longer expose the children and their staff to the hardship created by the situation.
  • But at the same time, the ministers and the caucus members of this government have been very, very accountable to the people of the province of Ontario, and that is why we won a massive majority from the people in the last election.
  • They only retracted that decision when the Auditor General and the Integrity Commissioner basically told the people of Ontario what was really going on.
  • No denying in the 2010s, US equities dominated the equity asset class, and the US dollar also did well.
  • Towards the end of August, new highs once again began to outpace new lows.
  • I’m looking forward to it for many reasons—including hearing more input from people’s favourites.
  • This Russian schoty (счёты) measures 8.5 inches long by 5.5 inches wide and was found in a small shop in the Russian countryside.

It’s a place where nature is right at the heart of the community, with rivers and parks just a stroll away. It’s the perfect balance of small town living with big city amenities just close enough for comfort. As the fall economic statement notes, we just hit another important milestone, as the first phase of the QEW/Dixie interchange improvements is now complete in Mississauga–Lakeshore. And then, at the end of August, the new twin bridge over the Credit River opened to traffic on the QEW. This is part of the $314-million QEW/Credit River improvement project. What we actually need to do, what a government that actually cared about these kids would do, is fund special education based on the cost of special education rather than constantly underfunding and forcing these kids to go without.

Remembrance Day / Expo Hawkesbury

Thankfully, since the fighting near Cambrai ended in October, the front lines had been moving steadily east, away from the Somme Valley. His smile dared her to stay angry, so of course she couldn’t and laughed. They rarely showed affection with hugs or kisses, as the French did, but now she lifted a hand to his cheek and he put his arms around her for a brief embrace. Then he picked up his valise and crossed the street, each hurrying step evidence of his impatience to get to the Gare du Nord and the train bound for Noyelles-sur- Mer. He turned briefly to look over his shoulder and said something she couldn’t hear over the rattle of a passing wagon, then flashed his easy, confident smile and continued walking away.

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It limits the economic potential of Kitchener at a time when we really need it and it’s just not okay. It means that families are spending more time away from their kids, parents commuting instead of spending that critical time with children, who we know right now are really struggling. The Liberal government at the time said that it “makes a lot of sense,” and in March 2014 they promised to make it happen by 2024. They made announcement after announcement after announcement. They even went so far as to blanket the airwaves with paid ads for the Liberal Party of Ontario, trumpeting two-way, all-day GO to Kitchener. As my colleague from Waterloo said at the time, just because you put it in an ad or just because you stand up in this House and say it’s so does not make it so.

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  • I would certainly like the government side to think about the motion that was mentioned this morning by my fellow member from Orléans about reducing the provincial portion of the HST on home heating.
  • China property developers are too big to fail, yet also too big for an easy fix.
  • For those of us who live in Ontario’s rural, remote and northern communities, the effects of the carbon tax are disastrous.
  • “I am writing you this email as a constituent of yours from Nepean, and a resident of Ontario that is horrified by the rising grocery prices, and lack of social services available for …
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Thirdly we need to remove the barriers to travel, starting by phasing out testing at the border and clear and concise communications from government encouraging domestic and international travel. After two years of health professionals and politicians describing the dangers of COVID-19, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that for some, returning to normal won’t come easily. Recent data released by Abacus showed that 43% of Canadians felt not comfortable at all going to a full sports stadium and 39% felt not comfortable at all getting on an airplane.

In rural and northern Ontario, families are struggling to keep the heat on. In some areas of this province, the temperature can drop to minus 30 in the winter. Ladies and gentlemen, the grain corns coming off the fields—in our farm, we harvested last weekend and our corn ran at 23% moisture.

They’ve asked other governments to deliver the goods, but they themselves have not delivered the goods. I heard of one family where there were three or four or five kids in the household, and it was clear—the teacher relayed this to me. It was clear that the family was needing to make a decision as to which abacus dark market children got to bring lunch to school. The oldest boy in the family was going to school without a lunch so that his younger brothers and sisters could go to school with a lunch. Those are the kinds of decisions that families are being forced to make as a result of the affordability crisis that we’re in.

There are now 16,000 homes being used for short-term rentals in the city of Toronto alone. The government could have introduced regulations for short-term rentals. They could have brought in a multiple-home-speculator tax to help drive speculation out of the marketplace. They could have had a province-wide vacant homes tax, so that first-time homebuyers, young families trying to own their first home, could be on a level playing field instead of bidding against deep-pocketed, oftentimes financialized investment vehicles. Then, of course, there’s education, where spending is down under this government by 11%.

As a result, the people of Ontario will be paying more money than anyone else for capital to build public infrastructure. That just doesn’t make sense from a public perspective. Now, it makes sense from a business perspective, if you’re the business investing in the infrastructure bank, but if you’re actually the public it doesn’t make sense at all. When MPP Mulroney was still the Minister of Transportation, I did ask a question in this House, because what has been happening is that students—we have three post-secondary institutions in Kitchener-Waterloo.

This was all part of an entrenchment of home, and so home became and is everything. It’s always been important, but now it’s become everything and it plays such an important life, so much so that I think many Canadians have become acutely aware of the faults in their homes because they’re spending so much time there. Which I think explains the rise of home renovations and home improvement that we’ve seen since the beginning, as evidence that home matters now. People are really focused on their home and are thinking about how to improve it and integrate it even more into their lives. The public mindset, the consumer mindset, is in a very different place. There’s both I think a defensive posture, people are waiting for the worst, for the shoe to almost drop.

We are a resilient people and we will get through this. The first time it was chaos, it was exhausting, but that’s an example of being forced into using technology and bringing actually more people into that dinner than would normally show up because we could connect people in Italy and all across the country. “If we do not attend to this problem,” he wrote, “we should not be surprised to see the middle class question the policies, and the very system, that values and encourages growth.”

In addition to the findings for RTO6 and an aggregated summary for Ontario, we provided a snapshot analysis below of when people are planning to travel, as well as who they are. And while voters can tire of any political leader eventually, Trudeau hasn’t always conducted himself like a politician worried about exhausting the public’s patience. He has been a very public prime minister and he does few things quietly, up to and including his Christmas vacations. “I think the relationship between a political leader and the people is a bit like a marriage,” Liberal MP Marcus Powlowski told reporters this week, venturing a different analogy. “After quite a few years of a marriage, sometimes things don’t quite look as rosy as they were at the beginning of a relationship. And if you ask people why, they can’t point to one particular thing, but it’s a whole bunch of things.” We also find broadly positive perceptions about the economy across income groups and among community types (urban, suburban, and rural).

Once completed, it will allow more trips from Kitchener GO to operate express, which is very important, and I did hear the member from Waterloo talk about that. It is extremely important to have those express trains, and that’s why those passing tracks are extremely important. At this point, back in 2012, there were nine stops, and it took over two hours. So, at this point in the game, the Liberals of the day were dealing with their own scandals. They had their OPP scandals, the Premier that had prorogued the Parliament, and so they were desperate to change the channel. It needs to be affordable, it needs to be fast, it needs to be reliable and it needs to be consistent.

I can tell you that not only will it go over well in my riding of Durham, but it is going over so well. It’s actually hard to pick one, because depending on who I’m speaking to on a given day—and we have the annual Santa Claus parade coming up in Bowmanville on Saturday. I’m looking forward to it for many reasons—including hearing more input from people’s favourites.

• On climate change majorities in every region, including Alberta (72%) say the government is doing an acceptable or good job, as do a majority of Conservative voters (54%). The Millennial fascination of ‘living a good life’ comes from a desire to live their lives differently than their parents, said Gracy Obuchowicz, a self-care mentor and coach from Washington, D.C., in an interview with NPR. They appreciate what their parents have done for them but “are not willing to go about life the same way”.

  • I’ll just say very quickly—and I’ll steal from my colleague from Waterloo.
  • One of the components in this fall economic statement is extending the gas tax cut that will save people money—5.3 cents at the gas pumps.
  • Because right now, the overwhelming majority of trips between Kitchener and the GTA are by car, adding to congestion, growing our carbon footprint and worsening Ontario’s economy.
  • Whether you’re a buyer or a vendor, the market offers a secure and reliable platform.
  • The HST is a way in which the government of Ontario can take real and direct and concrete action on the sources of heat and the energy bills that Ontarians are facing.
  • The argument extends beyond a mere aversion to taxation and encapsulates a fundamental belief in the necessity of equitable policies that do not disproportionately burden certain segments of the population.
  • That project is one which will result in less medical care for people; which will result, ultimately, in people being able to pay for their surgery and health care if they have the money and having to go without if they don’t.
  • Bandi Chhor Divas is also celebrated on the same day and it is a significant day for the Sikh community.

The fact that they’re conducting this research on a site that is called where the REALTOR® value proposition is very prominent, is a great thing for our members. We’re building brand affinity and trust with this younger demographic who will one day need the services of a trusted advisor. The government is looking to put the country back to work, that’s one place where we need a lot of work done. An issue has been a shortage in skilled trades, obviously, but I guess if you look across the employment spectrum right now, you’ve got one big group of people who are unemployed over here, and a shortage of workers over there. It seems like maybe a good case for retraining or vocational training as part of our recovery from this going forward.

But then they plunged with the SNC-Lavallin affair in 2019. A year later, the numbers flipped back in the other direction when Canadians rallied around the federal government’s response to the pandemic. Whatever Ken McDonald, the Liberal MP for Avalon, said or meant to say about Justin Trudeau’s leadership, the most cutting assessment of the prime minister published this week might have come from Jeanette Dyke, a patron of Tiny’s Bar and Grill in Paradise, N.L. Even as we navigate the pandemic, a new poll shows that most Canadians remain concerned about climate change – and they want clean electricity to be part of the solution. Across the country, 43% say they would vote Liberal if a federal election were held today, 12 points ahead of the Conservatives (31%), and 27 points ahead of the NDP (16%). • On housing affordability, the most disappointed voters are NDP voters and BC residents.

Abacus has found that among Gen Z voters (those born between 1997 and 2005), the Liberals trail the Conservatives by four points. Among millennials (those born between 1980 and 1996), the Liberals trail by 11 points. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tapped Treasury Board President Anita Anand to take on additional duties as Canada’s minister of transport on Thursday. B.C.’s police watchdog is investigating the death of a woman who was shot by the RCMP after allegedly barricading herself in a room with a toddler early Thursday morning.

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